I removed the crab into a temporary home while I had the chance as I knew he'd disappear into the rocks and we'd never see him again. At least this way, I'd have the choice of re-introducing it when I found out what it was.
When it was all together the water was totally thick with fine sand particles, the live rock was dumped in the middle in a heap and the Humbug was quite crudely dropped in too. It was left overnight to settle and I'd sort it out then. The water level was quite low too, so the rear chambers were dangerously low so I knew I had to go out and get some water ASAP.
So, woke up this morning to find the water had cleared, the Humbug fish was swimming about but every surface was coated in fine grey sand, under that was red coralline algae and green algae.
The only local fish seller (LFS) I know is Viscum, so I toddled off there to get 25l of salt water and a small tub of food for the fish.